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The excellent  HONEY VINEGAR GRANDFATHER FELIX   It is produced in an ecological way and is the result of a careful elaboration purely  handcrafted, its exquisite aroma and flavor is preserved through the use of ancient techniques. It is amber in color, bright and very aromatic with light sweet notes that enhance and enhance the flavor of food. 

Way of use and conservation, that of traditional vinegar.


100% Spanish product.


Contribution per serving: 100gr / ml Energy [Kcal] 4.00 Protein [g] 0.40 Carbohydrates [g] 0.60 Fiber [g] 0.00 Total fat [g] 0.00AGS [g] 0.00AGM [g] 0 .00 AGP [g] 0.00 AGP / AGS 0.00 (AGP + AGM) / AGS 0.00 Cholesterol [mg] 0.00 Alcohol [g] 0.00 Water [g] 99.00 Minerals Calcium [mg] 15.00 Iron [mg] Magnesium [ mg] 22.00 Zinc [mg] 0.10 Selenium [µg] 1.00 Sodium [mg] 20.00 Potassium [mg] 89.00 Phosphorus [mg] 0.00

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